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Exquisite natural pashmina from the land of snow.

Munsiyari Collection







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The Munsiyari collection of pure pashminas is inspired by the high altitude region of Munsiyari on the Tibetan border of Uttarakhand. Munsiyari is the home of the Johari Sauka Bhotiyas, a semi nomadic people of Indo Tibetan origin and traditional Trans Himalayan traders traversing the dangerous Himalayan passes to Tibet to barter spices, tea, jaggery and cotton for Tibetan pashmina wool, rock salt and borax.

Munsiyari is the last town before the frontier and is dominated by the massive Panchachuli range towering above the town to the North. Traditional weavers of pashmina shawls using hand held spindles and pit looms were the pioneers of Panchachuli Women Weavers and taught their skills to a whole new generation of women in the lowlands of Almora.

The Munsiyari collection comprises of pure pashmina products. The wool is sourced personally by a group of us who cross the passes into Tibet and barter with Chakpa and Dropka nomads on the vast Barkha plains between the sacred Mt Kailash and the holy lake of Manasarowar each year. The raw pashmina is brought back to India on mule caravans and is processed, spun and woven entirely by hand ant the Panchachuli Women Weavers unit in Almora and the women in the villages around Munsiyari.

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